Monday, June 20, 2005

Been a while....

Its been a while! I've been very very busy, with so many things happening one after the other. My bro and buddies were here for a few days, it was awesome, don't know where the days went. Next thing I knew, had a ton of work with a unbelievable dead line( boss told me that I better believe it:). Just finished the work today(I didn't have breakfast or lunch! Since morning I've had
1. A cup of tea
2. A slice of chocolate cake(was my friends bday)
3. A pack of chips....
Going out for a pizza. Gonna bing on a 8 inch with extra cheese ssssslurp! Ohhh by the way went for "Bunty aur Bubli" with the gang, it sucked big time, the highlight was watching my bro trying to get through the movie(he had the same look on his face that he used to get when mom used to blast for him something) . It was hilarious:) and he got to go again back at home, his friends forced him! LOL! Sometime, just sometimes I pity the guy;)
me hungry, will blog soon, ciao.......


Tanya said...

Why is that none of the boys seem to like Bunty aur Babli? while girls are going ga ga! I loved it too! :-)

Harsh Chawla said...

Ur telling me u liked it???(If yes, what exactly was it? coz I just don't get it:)
BTW, Hi:) and how did you find this blog??? Thought there were only 5 or so people who knew about it!

Tanya said...

It was a totally crazy film! May be that's why i loved it! :-) Enough of trying to find deep meanings & morals in films...I guess i'm all for crazy stuff..It was a total entertainer plus i liked the music too!

Harsh Chawla said...

I agree the music was good, liked amitab rappin it:). But as for a total entertainer... well lets just agree to disagree ;).