Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Traveling back home....

Its thursday morning, and I'm a few hours away from starting my trip back to trivandrum. This will be my fourth trip back home. I just wish the journey was a bit shorter and a little less eventful. I travel by bus. A typical trip starts at around 6:00pm. With one stop for food, the scheduled arrival time at tvm is 8:00am the next morning, i.e. 14 hours for the entire journey. This however is the theory. In most cases the actual time goes upto 18hours. My second trip took 20! It was a mess. The tsunamis had just taken place, the president was visiting the state and the roads were blocked. I reached home in the afternoon.
For people visiting chennai, the journey can be completed in as less as 4 hours!!(or so they tell me) If that was the case I would go home every weekend! But I shouldn't be complaining, some of my colleagues have to take a flight and then a train to reach home. One of them needs atleast 4 days just for traveling(total). Then there are other people who are based out of bangalore itself, but some of them are staying far away from Electronics City and spend 3 hours every day for commuting! I don't know which is worse. The best thing to do is to be happy with what you have, and how do you do that? just take a look at people who are worse off, trust me there will always be someone around:)

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Nice blog! Plain n simple :-)