Friday, July 15, 2005

Quarter Century

My Blog is 25 posts old!! Its been a nice ride, though not "all that I ever hoped for". You see I'm very good at hoping for things and thus my poor (25 posts) old blog can't possibly hope to match up to the expectations, but finally the best/only question I ask my self is, if I had to would I do it again and the answer is a no brainer "YES". So there you go, I'm happy to be here on this 25th attempt at.... whatever that is:). Since the only reason, I'm writing this post is that I have nothing else to do right now. Let me update you(who exactly are you? and why would you ever read my blog??), on my little discoveries over the last two weeks.
1. RSS Feeds: I know, I know RSS(Really Simple Syndicate) has been there for a while now, but I "discovered" them for myself only a few weeks back.
2. Bloglines: This online feed reader was a natural extension to the RSS thingy. Its really amazing, one of the few tools/applications that can drastically improve your productivity(in my case productivity means, I can now monitor a dozen more blogs to pass my time:).
3. Firefox: This browser rocks!! I love tabs :D

Every time, I don't blog for sometime, when I come back, I feel confused, I don't know what to blog about, sometimes so much has happened that it would require a couple of hours to put it all down and sometimes you really don't have much to say at all. This particular instance is a combination of the two. I started writing this post after reading a number of blogs archives and thinking that it would be awesome to go back a year in time and read about the person you were, and then the thought struck me that If I don't write about who I am today, how can I read about it one year from now??

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