Sunday, March 13, 2005


The question of the day is the purpose of this blog. Why did I create this blog? After many years of spending time on the net, doing God knows what:), on 11th of March 2005, I created "Limpid Pools of Solitude". What were the compelling reasons, if any, for me to create a blog? I can think of atleast a dozen logical answers to that question, but I dont agree with any of them completely.
A purpose by definition restricts the scope of the task at hand, it helps us focus. A good purpose quanitifies goals, it helps establish a destination for a journey, a set of parameters by which to measure success. This is considered a good way of working, some people call it
engineering. I agree, for most tasks undertaken by man, a well defined goal is a must, but to make this the norm for doing things would be a grave mistake. The concept of setting goals is based on the underlying assumption, that it is indeed possible to conceive the desired goal. I at this moment can't conceive one for this blog, so let me stop the crap and just say... The purpose of this blog is to discover its own purpose.

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